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Driving forward, together.

FreeWorld's program is intended to match those with criminal histories with the resources and community they need to thrive. Once accepted to our program, our team will train you as a truck driver, and continue to assist you in finding higher-paying jobs for a period of 5 years after graduation.

The community you need to keep your momentum.

You're not alone. And you won't feel alone as a participant in our program, surrounded by peers who have either gone through the program already or are pursuing it now. At every stage, the collective encouragement of our FreeWorld community will push you further.

Why Trucking?

It just makes sense. With overwhelming need and a clear process from application to graduation, FreeAgents can hit the road to secure a dependable career for themselves and their families within 45 - 60 days.

  • 3.5 million job opportunities

    America's trucking industry is the lifeblood of the U.S. economy. Trucking demand is higher than ever.

  • Talent gets hired

    There is such a severe shortage of commercial drivers that people are hired regardless of their criminal history.

  • Clear financial incentives

    FreeWorld graduates typically earn $60,000 in their first year of driving. After gaining 2-3 years of experience, driver earnings can escalate to over $100,000 per year.

  • [1] Brookings, Work After Incarceration
A FreeWorld graduate in their truck.

"Everything about FreeWorld has been a game changer for me. I now have hope for a future in which jail and prison don't exist; a future in which a truck driving career and financial stability is in the palm of my hand."